God's own country

God’s own country – Kerala - India The disaster of Kerala taught us all a nice lesson. Everything went down the drain. I know this disaster is happening all around the world. We all work so hard, earn so much money, stash up and live selfishly (some)We give no time to family, just work and earn, we build big mansions/house/apartments, furnish them. We forget God who is the provider here, we just go on with our life, making more, killing another to earn a few more thousands, fighting for property that is really of no use, gossiping to make your own name, spoiling another name for no reason making up false stories. What is the use of all this? How much do you think you will carry when you are in your grave? Who will even bother after you are dead and gone? The largest sums of money you accumulate, the richest friends you have, the biggest houses you have, the cars you own, or rather all the luxury you have – I know is your hard work with your sweat. But it is God who is helping you every day whether you are aware of it or not. Thousands of people lost their lives, properties etc etc………………….think about it people. Don’t run after money, but let money run after you. Help those in need, talk to the lonely, smile on the rejected. Do all the good you can while you can. You will have to give an account when on this earth your time is up. Are you ready? Do you think each one of you have done enough good? I guess not! Let us take this lesson and start a new life, don’t give up all those luxuries, but help that person in need, Look around you right now you may see a lonely, a rejected, a hungry one standing help them, that tiny help will be a blessing for you. Your coffers will be doubled. God bless you all! May you all take heed. Everywhere around the world are those that are waiting for a helping hand, please help them.


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