My Married life in short

I remember the first time I had seen Joe it was almost 25 years back, I had first seen him at the Bombay Airport as he used to work there and from that day I fell in love with him. I used to follow him everywhere he went and he at that time had many girlfriends, I even remember going up to each of his girlfriends and telling them to leave him alone as I was in love with him and would d threaten them. He once confronted me and told me to leave him alone but I had fallen so deeply in love with him that I could not see anything beyond him. He would date me from time to time and then this became regular so much so that he too started falling in love with me. I also remember telling lies and going to meet him secretly as his people were not fond of me, but that did not matter to us. We were too madly in love people (and still two mad lovers) to worry what the world said.

Finally that day came & (secret) he first kissed me under the stairs and told me that he too was in love me, but that he had many commitments and that I would have to wait., moreover he knew that his folks would not agree as we were from different communities. But then I told him does not matter I would wait for him to fulfill all his commitments and that I was ready to go against all odds to get married. I was in Dubai while he was in Bombay but I was sure that he would not leave me while I was away, we use to write big long letters and talks on the phone for hours together, I still have those letters that he wrote to me and cherish the sweet memory it holds.

And then after 6 1/2 yrs came that day he decided that we get married and we got married on Jan 5th 1991. We had to go through lot of ups and downs (both financially and work wise) but it was & is worth it. What is marriage without love and understanding each other. This was we have developed even if we are in deep trouble we have learnt to stand by one another and survive the worst .

I remember the times when were not allowed to get married to each other only because we were from two different communities and ways of living were different but in spite of all odds we have come through it and showed everyone - that it does not take different communities or lifestyles to make a marriage but love and understanding and caring for each other. I have lots more to tell but about how beautiful a married life and how we supported each other in difficult times and have come through it, we have but not enough time but would be happy to say it .


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