I write -

She showed me how to hold the pen
And taught me my first words so
I write

You said I will never leave you,for another -
but you did
I am lonely and broken hearted,
And stand speechless all alone - so
I'll write

And when my heart breaks
I cry
When no shoulder to cry on
With my tears
I write

My imaginations run wild
Have no control on it
I write

Pick up the newspaper to read
But find it better to reply So
I write

The phone rings
I dont want to answer
I'm totally lost,Coz,
I write.

Thank you BWM
I accept what you say So
I write

I opened the dictionary to find a word
I found it - so
I write

The days work is over
My mind is rid of work So
I write

The weekend is here
Feel like partying
But dont want to miss the thread so
I write

Have a nice weekend
But dont forget this thread
Come back to thread and say So
I write

Back from the long weekend
dont know where to start
Then I remember so
I comeback to this lovely thread and
I write

I have work to do
And memos to send
I have lots of work to do
but before all that
I write


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